Press Release: Fano Calls for Restraint to Avoid Conflict Between Amhara and Tigray Forces
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia — March 29, 2024
The Fano Unity Council, the biggest united group established by Fano leaders from four provinces and the rest of the country in Armachiho, Gonder a year and a half ago, is urging restraint in the escalating conflict between the Amhara and Tigray forces.
With over 100,000 armed personnel across Amhara and other regions, the Fano Unity force seeks to prevent further hostilities.
Fano believes that the attempts by the OPDO (Oromo Peoples’ Democratic Organization) to incite fighting between the Amhara and Tigray people are not in the best interest of either group. As tensions rise, Fano calls for a de-escalation to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and instability.
Known for his uncanny ability to exploit and manipulate others, Abiy possesses unparalleled talents in turning people against each other. Therefore, we urge both Amhara and Tigray forces not to become unwitting pawns in the hands of such manipulative tactics.
Let us not allow ourselves to be used as cannon fodder for the agendas of others. Instead, let us stand firm in our commitment to peace, cooperation, and mutual understanding.
We call upon Amhara and Tigray people to resist falling prey to divisive rhetoric and to instead focus on constructive dialogue and cooperation.
By refusing to be swayed by manipulation and by working together in good faith, we can thwart attempts to exploit our differences.
For media inquiries contact:
Fano Unity Council Press Office