Abiy Ahmed’s Threat of Genocide

In his July 4, 2024 speech, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed made disturbing threats and declarations related to genocide if his power is challenged. Abiy stated, “Some are conspiring to overthrow me, and what I did so far is a child play or pinching. And if his power is challenged,  he will unleash a genocide that Ethiopia has never seen in its history”

This is not an empty threat. Many have raised concerns about Abiy’s mental state. Some believe he sees himself as a prophesied king, leading him to construct an imperial  palace on 503 hectares. This imperial palace would be greater than the area of coverage of Windsor (UK), Versailles (France), the White House (USA), the Kremlin (Russia), and the Forbidden City (China) combined. The budget is estimated to be 10 billion dollars and he us spending on lavish lifestyle while 20 million Ethiopian people suffer from hunger.

With only two years left in his term, Abiy is unlikely to be re-elected, and he knows that. So there will not be an election at all. Speculation suggests he will suspend the constitution and attempt to remain prime minister for life.

As public uprisings close in on Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian army has faced defeats in the Amhara region, and even his special forces are defecting to join the Fano movement—the public uprising.

Abiy’s statement that what he has done during Tigray, where one million died is so far is akin to “pinching” or “child’s play” is deeply troubling. He ominously warns of a full-scale genocide to come.

The international community, particularly the US, EU, AU, the World Bank, IMF, the UAE, Turkey, and UN human rights organizations, must be aware of the danger and disassociate from any support for a potentially genocidal government.

Abiy’s preparations for genocide appear to be well underway. Large paramilitary forces, led by politicians, surround Addis Ababa. Shemeles Abdissa, the President of Oromia, commands a force estimated at 500,000, while the genocidal Oromo Liberation Army has about 100,000 members. Additionally, the Mayor of Addis Ababa is assembling 500,000 an ethnic Oromo-only army.

The urgency cannot be overstated. The global community must engage with Abiy to dismantle these paramilitary forces and prevent further atrocities in Ethiopia.

Hence, Fano Council Call

   1.  The international community, including the U.S., EU, AU, and UN, must engage with Prime Minister Abiy to address these issues.

   2. Collaboration and financing of the Abiy Ahmed by IMF, WB, the US, UAE and Turkish government should be stopped,  given the gravity of the situation.

   3. The US, AU, EU and UN must call Abiy to dismantle his genocidal paramilitary forces to prevent further atrocities.

The International Community did not learn from  Rwanda response. That is why it  essential that the global community remains vigilant and takes action to prevent further suffering and loss of life in Ethiopia.

 If you have any other questions or need further information, feel free to contact the Fano council